Hydrogen energy: hope or hype? | Cover Story

A derivative fuel, a complementing energy source, a promising pathway to a net-zero future… there is a buzz around hydrogen lately. The amount of investment pouring into hydrogen t...

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No looking back: Energy Transition in SAARC nations Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives and Sri Lanka

In many ways, this year was the tipping point for renewable energy. The world has woken up to the imperative of energy transition, and countries around the world have made progress...

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No looking back: Energy transition in Brazil and Latin America

In many ways, this year was the tipping point for renewable energy. The world has woken up to the imperative of energy transition, and countries around the world have made pro...

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No looking back: Energy transition in India

Image: Shutterstock

In many ways, this year was the tipping point for renewable energy. The world has woken up to the imperative of energy transition, and countries around the world have made progress...

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New kid on the bloc: India joins global critical mineral partnership

Image source: pmindia.gov.in

In one of the key developments during PM Modi's recent state visit to the US, India was included as the newest partner in the Mineral Security Partnership (MSP), a global init...

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Tech independence important for a secure supply chain

Amidst all the battery cell manufacturing excitement, one company has taken a small but sure step towards making it a reality - Log9 Materials, a material science startup, is strid...

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‘Women Energize Women’: Recharging gender parity

The 'Women Energize Women' conference held under the umbrella event: The smarter E 2022, successfully concluded its very first run, on May 12, 2022, in Munich. The event was organi...

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BOOSTing generation performance & revenues of storage assets

As more storage assets come online, the ability to optimize asset performance and strategically schedule and bid energy and regulation will become increasingly valuable, driving st...

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Securing a robust raw materials supply chain: Challenges and Opportunities

As India's endeavors in making the energy transition, catch momentum, the recent efforts in domestic battery manufacturing will prove critical in ensuring energy security for the c...

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Battery Nation in the making

The government push for battery cell manufacturing in India on a larger scale had begun a while ago, but it is with the introduction of the PLI schemes for ACC and electric vehicle...

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Year of the Li-ion: Time to scale up

You can hear it … almost distinctly now… the footfall of the battery era. It's here to stay one would like to believe, for a lot rests on it; the present and most definitely the fu...

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Battery fire risks over the years: concerns & mitigation

Auto companies globally are investing billions in establishing a robust electric ecosystem to expedite the transition to e-mobility, and electricity grids the world over are deploy...

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Setting up a Giga factory: What does it take?

Talking of Giga factories we cannot but mention the very first set up by Tesla in Nevada USA (Gigafactory1), which in turn has paved the way for many more to come. Huge growth proj...

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Li-ion cell manufacturing: A look at processes and equipment

The production of the lithium-ion battery cell consists of three main stages: electrode manufacturing, cell assembly, and cell finishing. Each of these stages has sub-processes, th...

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Will PLI be the ace in the ‘Make in India’ sleeve?

New avenues of growth in the RE sector and a blossoming EV market have led to a promising rise of the storage sector. Add to this, the government's efforts in promoting local ...

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Post-lockdown: Old order changeth...

Amid all the confusion that the coronavirus pandemic has created, at least one thing stands clear – that we will have to live with the infliction in the near future. So far, we hav...

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Post-lockdown: Old order changeth...

Amid all the confusion that the coronavirus pandemic has created, at least one thing stands clear – that we will have to live with the infliction in the near future. So far, we hav...

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