Microsoft deal puts fusion power in spotlight

Is this the watershed moment for nuclear fusion? Or have two companies jumped the gun? Microsoft has signed a deal for electricity generated from nuclear fusion, in the first such ...

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EU's 'Green Deal Industrial Plan' likely to boost energy storage in Europe

The European Union (EU) has proposed a new comprehensive support package to boost renewable energy and clean technology innovation including battery manufacturing and energy storag...

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Babcock & Wilcox to provide advanced H2 generation, combustion, and decarbonization tech in Ohio

Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) has announced that it has signed a teaming agreement with Newpoint Gas to serve as a foundational technology partner, and provide advanced hydrogen g...

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NTPC and Morocco sign MoU for renewable energy cooperation

NTPC and Masen (Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy) have announced that they have signed an MOU for cooperation in the renewable energy sector during the 17th CII EXIM conclave...

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DOE announces $18 million to streamline the commercialization of clean energy tech

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced $18.4 million through the Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF) for seven national laboratory projects to get more clean energy ...

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Mitsubishi Power selects Emerson for advancing clean energy storage H2 hub

Mitsubishi Power Americas, Inc. has announced that it has selected Emerson to automate the world's largest green hydrogen production and storage facility. The industry-leading hub ...

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U.S. Prez Biden invokes Defense Production Act for accelerating clean energy manufacturing

President Biden has presidential determinations providing the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) with the authority to utilize the Defense Production Act (DPA) to accelerate domestic ...

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ISA ink MoU with Japan’s JICA, JBIC & NEDO for solar energy development

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Government of Japan, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the New Ener...

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Policy revamps that will help scale storage technologies

The key need for improving storage is innovation, which is not just a technical issue but extends to business models and regulatory frameworks. Dr. Rahul Tongia, Senior Fellow at C...

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H2-Industries wins Visionary CleanTech Business & Technology Disruptor Award

H2-Industries, a global hydrogen generation, and energy storage solutions company has announced that it has won 'Visionary CleanTech Business & Technology Disruptor in Other Di...

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